Demystifying Home Automation

When you hear the words, “Home Automation,” what do you think about? Some people think of really fun, new technology but it seems a little over their head. And others say they don’t want any cameras or robots in their house. But here’s the thing, home automation doesn’t need to be complicated and there are certainly no robots. In fact, it might surprise you to know there are a lot less cameras involved than you think. So today we want to break down why home automation is more accessible and non-invasive than you think!

Doesn’t smart home mean I am always being watched?

No! Some of the more popular smart home devices include a video doorbell and security cameras and this might lead you to believe that smart devices are all about cameras but this is false. Yes, some devices have cameras and if you are looking for security features, cameras are a great option. However, there are a multitude of home automation products that do not include a camera. A few of these automation products include lighting, shades, sound, thermostats, door locks, smoke detectors, electrical panels, and leak detectors.

But I don’t want all this complicated technology in my house

Any new technology seems complex because it is unfamiliar. But the wonderful thing about home automation is it is intended to make your life easier and not more complicated. The complicated part is usually in the set up and that is what we handle for you. The operation is simple and if you don’t like the idea of using an app to control your devices there are also options to control them from the device itself. For example, a smart lighting system allows your lights to be controlled from an app but it can also be controlled by the wall switches or keypads.

I don’t like how technology is taking over. It’s unnecessary.

At one time, all new technology could’ve been considered an unnecessary luxury. Television remotes, garage door openers, microwaves, ovens, washing machines, snow blowers, cell phones, etc… But now I would guess we all have all of these things. As technology continues to grow and expand, it impacts more and more areas of our lives. And when used correctly, it can enhance our lives. I imagine it seemed unnecessary to have a garage door opener when they first came out. After all, you can get out of your car and open the door yourself. But when it’s raining or snowing it becomes very useful. And overall, it is far more convenient. Home automation technology operates in the same way. It isn’t here to take over. It is here to enhance and help.

I wouldn’t even know where to begin

Start with a problem you’d like solved. You don’t want to come home to a dark house anymore. Your windows are too tall to reach the top of and you need shades. You need a security system. You never want to worry about your smoke alarm batteries again. You don’t want to hang Christmas lights each year. You have a cabin up north and want to monitor it when you aren’t there. Or maybe you love entertaining and want to enhance your sound system or lighting. Home automation can help with all of these. And if you are still unsure of what is right for you, ask us for ideas!

Home automation technology isn’t some big scary robot that is watching over you in a big brother way. It’s a tool to make our everyday lives safer and more convenient. Like any new technology, it can seem complex but home automation products aren’t here to take over. Instead, their purpose is to enhance your homes and make your daily life a little simpler.

As always, we hope we’ve made your day brighter! If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please visit

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